Interface Relation

All Superinterfaces:
Feature, Iterable<Feature>

public interface Relation extends Feature, Iterable<Feature>
A Feature that represents a grouping of related features or a complex polygon.
  • Method Details

    • members

      Features<?> members()
      Returns the members of this `Relation`.
      a collection of features that belong to this relation, or an empty collection if this relation has no members
    • members

      Features<?> members(String q)
      Returns the members of this `Relation` that match the given query.
      q - a query in GOQL format
      a collection of member features that match the given query (may be empty)
    • memberNodes

      Features<Node> memberNodes()
      Returns the nodes that are members of this `Relation`.
      a collection of nodes that belong to this relation, or an empty collection if this relation has no nodes as members
    • memberNodes

      Features<Node> memberNodes(String q)
      Returns the nodes of this `Relation` that match the given query.
      q - a query in GOQL format
      a collection of member nodes that match the given query (may be empty)
    • memberWays

      Features<Way> memberWays()
      Returns the ways that are members of this `Relation`.
      a collection of ways that belong to this relation, or an empty collection if this relation has no ways as members
    • memberWays

      Features<Way> memberWays(String q)
      Returns the ways of this `Relation` that match the given query.
      q - a query in GOQL format
      a collection of member ways that match the given query (may be empty)
    • memberRelations

      Features<Relation> memberRelations()
      Returns the relations that are members of this `Relation`.
      a collection of relations that belong to this relation, or an empty collection if this relation has no sub-relations as members
    • memberRelations

      Features<Relation> memberRelations(String q)
      Returns the sub-relations of this `Relation` that match the given query.
      q - a query in GOQL format
      a collection of sub-relations that match the given query (may be empty)
    • memberRoles

      Set<String> memberRoles()
      Returns the roles that are assigned to members of this `Relation`.
      a set of strings of the roles used in this relation, or an empty set if the relations has no members, or none have been assigned a role