All Classes and Interfaces

An axis-aligned bounding box.
A geographic feature.
Methods for creating IDs that are unique across feature types.
A Geographic Object Library containing features.
Features<T extends Feature>
A collection of features.
An enum representing the three feature types: NODE, WAY and RELATION.
An interface for classes that select the features to be returned by a query.
Compass headings.
Methods to generate JavaScript.
A class for generating a Leaflet-based interactive map.
A marker on a Leaflet-based interactive map.
Methods for working with Mercator-projected coordinates.
A Feature that represents a single point.
A Feature that represents a grouping of related features or a complex polygon.
A Consumable that can be used to iterate a feature's tags.
Methods for dealing with numeric values that represent Tile Quads, a collection of one to four tiles that is at most 2 tiles wide and 2 tiles tall, at a specific zoom level from 0 to 12.
A Feature that represents a linestring, linear ring, or a simple polygon.
Methods for working with coordinates that are represented as a single long value.