Class FeatureLibrary

All Implemented Interfaces:
Features, AutoCloseable, Iterable<Feature>

public class FeatureLibrary extends com.geodesk.feature.query.WorldView implements AutoCloseable
A Geographic Object Library containing features.
  • Constructor Details

    • FeatureLibrary

      public FeatureLibrary(String path)
      Creates a `FeatureLibrary` instance associated with an existing GOL file.
      path - the path of the GOL file.
    • FeatureLibrary

      public FeatureLibrary(Path path)
      Creates a `FeatureLibrary` instance associated with an existing GOL file.
      path - the path of the GOL file.
    • FeatureLibrary

      public FeatureLibrary(String path, String url)
      Creates a `FeatureLibrary` instance associated with the given GOL file; if the file does not exist, an empty library will be created.
      path - the path of the GOL file
      url - the URL from which missing tiles are downloaded into the library
    • FeatureLibrary

      public FeatureLibrary(Path path, String url)
      Creates a `FeatureLibrary` instance associated with the given GOL file; if the file does not exist, an empty library will be created.
      path - the path of the GOL file
      url - the URL from which missing tiles are downloaded into the library
  • Method Details

    • geometryFactory

      public GeometryFactory geometryFactory()
    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the library and releases its resources. **Important**: Do not call the methods of any collections or features you have retrieved from this library after you've closed it. Doing so leads to undefined results and may cause a segmentation fault.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • store

      public store()